Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Today I rediscovered the beautiful concept of napping during the day.  By simply taking two hours out of my day I feel like I have six hours of nonstop energy!  Getting things done is incredibly less stressful and I’m more efficient with my time.  If someone could put naps in a can and sell it for five bucks a pop I would probably buy all of it.    Oh wait I think that’s called, chloroform. ..

                Anyway take a damn nap you overworked, overstressed, unappreciated, but of human existence you.  It’s secretly all you really want to do.

Monday, April 8, 2013


Sprannnnnnng is here baby!  You know what that means?  Time to bust out the Nelly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GeZZr_p6vB8  Time to get a little funky!  Speaking of funky funk funkiness I just bought OutKast’s old album from 1997 Aquemini.  It’s jammed pack with funkilishousness that will make you want to funk everything in your life up.

                It’s so sunny out I’m going photosynthesize all day.  No time to blog!  CRAWL OUT OF YOUR DENS, SLAVES OF THE INTERNET!   TO THE FRESH AIR!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 4, 2013


Taking a risk. Somewhere I heard that if you really want do something, don’t make a plan B because you will ultimately end up doing whatever that is.  As of today (though I am not specifically allowed to say what it actually is) I am taking a big risk with my future.  I’m betting everything on one big shot.  It’s literally a go big or go home situation and the odds are stacked against me.  Keeping focused and determined has never been more important.

                Succeed or fail I feel like these times really build human character.  They make you grapple with all your emotions.  You feel like a real person and not just a speck in the world.  Don’t get me wrong.  I will succeed.  Remember what you are trying to do and stay focused internet.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Easter Bunny!

The Easter Bunny steals the unborn babies of hens all over the world, disposes of all but their shell, colors those shells in all the colors of the rainbow, stuffs them with candy for little children, breaks into your house,  hides the stuff everywhere, and eventually leaves.  The things little children believe are absolutely ridiculous.  That being said I think it’s awesome that they are convinced of something as irrational as that.  What an amazing world we all used to live in!  It kicked ass with all the mysterious magical stuff that happened.  When you really “grow up” you forget all those childish things you used to believe.  You accept that the world has to make sense and in order for you to live in it.  Fun becomes secondary and overshadowed by responsibility.  I don’t want to be younger; I just want to be older in a younger person’s world sometimes.  I fulfilled this dream today as the campus Easter bunny.

 Happy Late-Easter Internet (not much of a bunny but close)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Bioshock Infinite

Biohock Infinite bottom line: 10/10, 100/100, a bajillion win points! I’m not even done with the game and I am in love.   The city is beautiful, the plot makes you go “what the frack” about ten times a minute, and the combat is different than anything I’ve ever experienced in a game. In combat players go use guns, vigors, skyhooks, and tiers (I think that’s the right spelling) simultaneously to defeat their enemies.  The enemies you face are varied so that you are always changing up what you use in combat to best deal with a situation.  There are so many options in style that no one could possibly play through the game the same as someone else.  I’d write more about it but I just have to finish this beast.  Bioshock Infinite wins.  End of story.