Thursday, December 27, 2012

Buffalo Cudi

Tomorrow I’m taking the train north to spend a whole week at my girlfriend’s house in Buffalo (don’t try and break into my house unless you want an Afghan war veteran to beat the crap out of you). I love everything about Buffalo except its flatness. Living in a valley all these years makes the flatness of that area feel depressing. Overall Buffalo is just and enjoyable place to visit.  I'd never live there.

Also bought a classic CD today: Kid Cudi's Man On The Moon. Glad to finally own it.  That is all Internet.  Goodnight an peace out Washingtonville! KUDI!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

No More Hipsterz

Being away from all the hipsterism of my school has made me aware of a few things.  For starters there's this super crazy thing called intolerance that still exists.  People in the real world still do not tolerate certain "types" of people.  Being around such diversity for so long has made me kind of believe: "hey, maybe we can actually do this whole world peace come together/love one another thing" (or maybe just learn to hide our disgust well enough for it to dissapear).   Sadly it seems we still have a long way to go.

In other news I've srarted reading Aljazeera to contrast my watching of Fox News.  For those of you who don't know Aljazeera is the #1 news network in the middle east right now, it's greeat for news on foreign policy and full of American critisisms (from a liturature majors perspective a good thing).

Here's them reporting on Gangam style's one billion views. Hey, it's big news!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Socks for Christmas

Yes my parent got me a ton of socks for Christmas. As a kid I never thought I would say this but THANK GOD. There are plenty of things I can live without but the one thing that I always need are dry socks. They're the good Under-Armor kind too.  It’s a weird thing for a suburban raised middle class guy to be thankful for but if you think about it, it’s pretty awesome.

 I am so thankful this Christmas for all I already have; a great family; a place to come home too; apple pie; warm socks; and the best cook in the world; my Dad.  Happy Holidays Internet.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Working Hard Later

My resolutions to get stuff done over the break are wavering.  Must… be… productive!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Understanding The Universe

Danger this is deep water:

Much of my understanding of how the universe works is based off the incredibly realist (and depressing) idea that every positive event is ultimately followed by an equal negative event.  It’s not karma.  It’s a sequence of “good” followed by “bad” followed by “good” for all eternity.  There are a few exemptions to this system.  The exchange of money for a product applies to both “good” and “bad” because you are giving  something up to receive something else.  Also, newsworthy catastrophes do not count because it is to be assumed that an equal event of greater “good” will follow and not receive enough (if any) news coverage.

After reading my explanation of how the universe works the realism is clear.  I’m clearly building a solution to understanding something that is far beyond me off of a few shreds of truth and massive amounts of assumptions and interpretations.  Yet I think about this constantly, every time telling myself how ridiculous a thing it is to assume.

For example:  In Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations and The Remaking of The World Order, Huntington argues that all future international conflicts shall be between “the west and the rest of the world.” He builds this idea off the obvious fact that it is unlikely there shall ever be a war between any European and North American country, not to mention the constant historical motif that the empire on top is always opposed by virtually everyone. 

This kind of thinking can lead to short term decisions that do not help in the long run.  As a result of taking a realist stance on my interpretation of reality, I stop searching and close myself off to any other new idea.  As a result of Mr. Huntington pitting the west against the world, he stops looking for a solution resulting in world unity.

Realism is shortsighted and dangerous; never stop looking for the best possible outcome.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Fried Chicken

So my Dad got a deep fryer while I was away.  Apparently, ever since he got it he has been obsessed with making fried calamari, chicken, and onion rings.  Honestly I couldn’t be happier.  I miss home cooked meals more than anything else. It’s probably the best part about being home.  I also miss three square meals a day.

Listening to some Big Boi and Kid Cudi tonight Goodnight internet.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Going Home!

Finished my last final and I'm going home tonight. It's starting to feel like Christmass!  Speaking of Christmass,  I've been stockpiling starbucks double shots to give as gifts.  As much as I despise their free wifi and four dollar breakfast sandwiches those double shots do make good gifts. T.I. Christmass!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Doctor What?

So I was finally able to learn what “Doctor Who” was yesterday.  Or at least I think I did.  Here’s what I gather from watching two episodes which were somewhere along the line of its apparently massive scope of episodes:
1.       There’s a Doctor guy who doesn’t practice medicine but travels through time in a police box with a light up pen that solves everything.
2.       There is a female character who is but isn’t in love with the Doctor guy.  You kind of get the feeling that it’s a friendship and a relationship at the same time.  Honestly, I think the poor guys afraid to cross that line because of just how stupid this girl is.  She gets tricked like three times in one episode and the Doctor guy had to save her every single time.
3.       Every characters appearance mirrors that of something out of Fantasia (aliens and such).
4.       Doctor guy can die but he can’t die because he can glow his way out of dying.
5.       There’s an intergalactic pest control service of metal octopus men who seem to fit into the plot quite nicely.
6.       Everyone is British (no exceptions).

In other news T.I is amazing

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Social Fears

Telephone calls make me nervous. It’s probably a weird thing but I must admit talking to someone I don’t know on the phone sometimes can make me really uneasy. Honestly it’s my one social fear.  Sometimes I write down what I’m going to say on a piece of paper and read it off before I actually call them.  I think to myself: "maybe I'm talking to some sort of alien laser spiders! I don't want to embarrass the entire human race!"  I don't know I can't see them how do I know they are just people. Seems a little extreme and ridiculous right?  I caught myself doing that yesterday when I called Toys R Us about the job that I had that suddenly disappeared.  I waited on the phone for about an hour and no one picked up.  Going to probably look for another job soon, they haven’t even paid me yet.   Oh and this blog has 2000 views.  That’s crazyyyyy!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Why Reality Can Suck

If the Flash had no more super villains to fight it would be so sad.  Yes he probably would run everywhere and do everything there is to do, but he would finish doing everything so quick there would be nothing left to do, except maybe try being a super villain.  Then he would get being a super villain done so fast he would do even worse things and worse things.  Eventually, Flash would destroy the world and probably kill himself.   Considering the Flash is my favorite superhero, I don’t ever want this to happen to him.  Thanks to DC and their amazing plot holes and crazy twists that make no sense however, the Flash will always have something fun to do.  The moral of the story is sometimes things that make sense suck. 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Finals and such

I helped my girlfriend move into her new apartment in the upper west side of Manhattan this weekend. While it may appear to be nothing more than a tiny box, she is making the best of it and cherishing her new home. Personally I could not be more excited for her and it's so much cheaper than the dorm at her old college. In other news finals are this week and study mode has engaged! On Tuesday I have my Greek and Roman History final and Thursday my Bible final. section 80 kind of week

Saturday, December 15, 2012


As you all know the shooting in Newtown Connecticut was a tremendous tragedy.  In the wake of these events however, let us not make any rash decisions or jump to any conclusions.  There is a lot of room for blame, slander, and hate ready to be thrown at people with different opinions. We must wait for all the evidence to be presented. Until then let us pick our words carefully and keep our intentions just. Obama's speech on the matter

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Right To Work Protests

Protesting is a fantastic way to voice your beliefs.  As many of you are aware the protests over the Right to Work laws in Michigan is on the front page of the paper every day this week.  Thousands of union workers and those who were against the law showed up to protest, but there were others who showed up in support of the law as well. Some of those people were met with physical attacks and the tearing down of a tent by pro-union protestors.  Such actions in protests are unacceptable.  For a protest to function properly in America it must remain nonviolent. There were some people who were pepper sprayed on the union’s side by police and yes such issues do exist.  There are always grey areas that arise between law enforcement and civilians.  But when civilians turn on other civilians, it damages all credibility a protest can have and turns the protesters into “thugs” in the public eye.
Here is the video of the violent attack.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Today I went to a lecture given by my bible professor Lee Schlesinger on why poetry is important. In it he addressed many ideas about language that were fascinating.   One entity his lecture was that good poetry allows us to use language at one hundred percent capacity.  Conversationally we use it only at five percent capacity.  Therefore, it is necessary to have areas of reference that show the abilities of language to communicate on many levels.   
Another point he made was that in a world moving at such a fast pace, poetry provides a sort of counterbalance to that pace.  Poetry is a place where quick thoughtless interpretation is unacceptable.  If it was then a poet would just say exactly what he means as plain as possible.  Lee compared this simple transaction:  “When a shipping company wraps and sends a package, the receiver will open the package and receive exactly what those who shipped it to him intended… Poetry is the opposite.”
One of the biggest arguments against his points was the notion that poetry lacks of utility use and that it’s something "rich people do while they wait around for their money." Lee argued that one of poetry’s best utilities is that it makes us feel pleasure and guiltlessly so. A rare combination seldom found other places. 
Overall it was a tremendously enjoyable lecture and I hope my review does him justice.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Today my friend Marcus found out the Gnarles Barkley and Cee Lo Green were the same person (yes there was another guy...). What a shmuck!  You know who else is the same person: 2 Chainz and Tity Boi,  Matt Damon and Mark Whalberg,  Sasha Fierce and Beyonce,  Superman and Clark Kent, Wiz Khalifa and a high confused llama, Mark Walkberg and Marky Mark, and Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington.  Blowing your mind everyday internet.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Today my roommates informed me that my "Sperry" shoes like all other boat shoes are made to get easily wet... Shows how much I know about footwear. The shame is unbearable.  Every waking moment I live in constant disgrace.  The laughing.  It needs to stop!  Why won't it stop!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

I found an interesting article on the Trayvon Martin case.  Apparently the injuries that George Zimmerman had sustained on the back of his head could have been self-inflicted.  This article suggests that by slamming his own gun to the back of his own head, he tried to make it look like Trayvon beat him up.  It’s really interesting and I believe very plausible.
Macklemore and Ryan being real:

Saturday, December 8, 2012

I saw the Nutcracker today at the performing arts center at my college this evening.  First of I’d like to congratulate everyone involved it was a fantastic performance!  The little kids they used as extras and the fake snow were nice touches.  It was clear that those students worked really hard and I’m glad it paid off. Da-nanana-na -na-na-na!
 I found a preview of last years performance:

Friday, December 7, 2012

My girlfriend got me these wonderful Sperry brand shoes for Christmas last year.  They look really snazzy and I wear them a lot.  There’s just one problem.  They don’t keep any water out.  For some reason every time I wear them end up with wet socks at the end of the day.  I would think a shoe as expensive as these would have figured this problem out because there is nothing worse than wearing wet socks all day. Nothing. Some cool underrated YouTube channels courtesy of Vsause.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

A wise man once said: "I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." That man was Michael Jordan, the first basketball player to play a game of basketball game alongside Bugs Bunny against intergalactic invaders of children’s shows. It is because of his victory here that we today can live and peace and harmony. Thank you MJ. You are an inspiration.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Happy Birthday Faith Schneider!!!! I love you so much!
Well I’m on page 100 In the process of reading the Great Gatsby.  It’s a shame I have not read it.  So far it’s a really interesting read (especially because I’m a literature major).   Mr. Gatsby is such a fascinating individual, though I find his pursuit of Daisy as a shallow explanation for his actions.  I look forward to finishing it very soon and to the new movie with Leonardo Dicaprio. Trailer
Song used in beginning Trailer

Monday, December 3, 2012

Sorry I didn’t get a chance to post anything all weekend Internet.  It’s my girlfriend’s birthday in two days and I’ve been preparing to blow her away.  As I was shopping for certain things however, one of my friends was telling me that she thought I was overdoing it.  This really begs the question “what is it you do” for your significant others birthday.  Get a card? Dinner? Both? More or less?  What do you think?  I wonder if anyone would possibly answer this I haven’t really ever asked you guys and girls questions.  Anyway I guess I’ll try something new.  If I get a couple answers I’ll tell you all what I did. Kanye White Dress

Friday, November 30, 2012

Parents visited my college today. It was the first time for my Dad and third for my Mom. When I gave them the tour of the campus my Dad did the funniest thing. When I took him to my floor he took two big whiffs of the air and said "Oh, it's that kind of college." Here's to that kind of college internet.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Today I joined the secret vampire society.  I have become a full fledged vampire.  I belong to a special clan known as the Nosferatu clan.  We have special powers of making people afraid of us and have super strength.  Life is like being a vampire.  Sometimes it just sucks. Sometimes you feel really powerful.  Stay Powerful internet. A$AP!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Just had a nice lunch with the rest of the PSGA senate and listened to President Schwartz give a nice speech.  The food could have been better.  There is just so much pizza on campus you’d think they would have catered some pasta or something.  For some reason I always find a way to go on and on about food.  Anyway, I’m working on my essays today then seeing a nice concert by the Purchase wind ensemble.   Shout out to Kallen McMillan! Good luck tonight  Get it!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Today in my college writing class we talked about Sylvia Plath, the deceased writer of The Bell Jar who committed suicide a month after the books publishing.  It was a very morbid discussion at times.  There was a very jagged line of what was and what wasn’t okay to say in this discussion because of the nature of Sylvia Plath’s death.  She stuck her head into an oven.  As terrible as that sounds it CAN and IS perceived by some as a rather ridiculous and somewhat comical way to die.  Such a thought may seem to a diehard Sylvia Plath fan as disrespectful and appalling.  We’ve all had someone we know or are familiar with who has committed suicide or attempted it.  It goes to far in my oppinion, but maybe it's a good thing that those diehard Plath fans are knocked to their senses about the difference between what she represents, and what she actually did.

                After grappling with this issue today I have come to this conclusion.  Suicide is no joke. BUT! Sylvia Plath has become to some the “patron saint of suicide,” those who look at Plath’s death as glamorous need to be pulled back to earth.  Things such as reflecting on the ridiculousness of her death are helpful in this sense, and so I shall not mock the person, but caution those who idolize her.

                This is a sensitive issue.  It’s hard to navigate these waters and not hit an iceberg of someone else’s emotions.  It is ridicules for young people to look at this as a good thing.  She was mentally unstable, not a revolutionary in solving problems of young adults. D12 on suicide

Monday, November 26, 2012

I fell asleep in class today.  Coffee isn’t working and I don’t have much else I can rely on.  I’m at a loss for time.  I can’t eat right or exercise and I think I’m sick.  It’s clear to me that I’m over exhausting myself.  So what do I do? I keep exhausting myself (poor choice). I didn’t have any of these problems in high school, it’s clear that I have ignored a lot of my parent’s useful advice about staying healthy.  Hopefully I’ll come to my senses and go to bed earlier, get my work done in a timely fashion, and eat some more vegetables.  Wealth and health internet, take care of yourself.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

R Kelly once said “I believe I can fly, I believe I can touch the sky, I think about it every night and day, spread my wings and fly away.”  This statement really speaks to me.  It reminds me that no matter where I am in life, I can just get up and go somewhere else.  If I’m in a situation I don’t want to be in, I can just leave!  So can you internet.  You just need to believe you can fly.  So go internet!  Go to your windows and fly, fly away far away from here. You are a bird.

Friday, November 23, 2012

I saw the new James Bond movie Skyfall today.  It was a fantastic film and I really recommend you all go see it.  The story differs from the previous two James Bond movies.   In the movie, the focus is shifted away from the usual fear of international threats to national security and is set on the domestic issues within MI6, specifically the vendetta of a former MI6 operative.  It was a refreshing change that I’m sure will thrill anyone who sees the movie.  SPOILER! At one point in the movie James Bond has a train thrown at him.


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Texas defeats Detroit with a field goal in Overtime and my Uncle shows up at my house rocking the same mustache as my Bible teacher (it looks like a lower case “n” on your face).   It’s all good though, I got a root beer and some cocktail shrimp I’m working on.  I swear I stuff myself before the meal even starts.  Thanksgiving snacking is the best! Go Texas! Random Yelawolf:

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

College essays are the best.  Instead of sitting down and taking a test that has all those bubbles and stuff, I get to make whatever argument I want to show that I know the material.  It’s so much less stressful as long as you can just get it started.  That’s the first big hurtle. To make this possible I suggest you sit down, unplug your internet, and write a thesis or two and go from there.  Give yourself procrastination and break time, no one likes writing in a rush. You may be good at it, but it’s never fun tht way.  Enjoy every opportunity to disagree with your teacher.  Five times out of ten they may actually appreciate it. T pain and 2 Chainz not relevent but yeahhhh.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Driving home from college today was pretty nice.  There was little traffic and I got some cheap gas too. When I got home the first thing I did was make food…then I made more food… oh my God… I used to eat so well! Melted cheese and cold cut sandwiches! Spaghetti with meat sauce! Papa Chiavaro’s garlic bread!  Home cooked food is the absolute best!  Make sure you spend time with what family you have this thanksgiving Internet, if I didn’t have to work black Friday I’d stay the entire five days off I’ve got at home, college is exhausting.  Oh and J-Cole is awesome

Monday, November 19, 2012

Republican senator Marco Rubio loves rap music.  No big deal right? Wait…Re-pub-lic-an!?  It seems musical preference transcends politics.  His top three favorite songs are “Strait out Of Compton” by N.W.A, “Killuminati” by Tupac, and “Lose Yourself” by Eminem.  I’m sure the people on the far left think he’s just trying to identify with black voters and the people on the far right feel it demeans his character and that he should put on some Taylor Swift or something.   Here are his top three. Peace out internet.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Technology fails you at the most important times.  As of today my computer doesn’t have internet, my phone is busted, and the only place where I can access the internet is my school library.  Being away from that connection can make you feel distant, especially living in the age of Wi-Fi, smartphones, and the greatest social networking tools ever created.  #Firstworldproblems I know, but in a first world country, these things are the tools you need to survive.  Take care of your hardware and software internet.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I got the Job at Toys R Us!  My first shift is on Sunday from twelve through six.  My boss seems cool.  He looks a lot like J Cole for some reason. I'm about to blow up! That is all internet.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

In world news the head of the military wing of the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas was killed during Israeli air and naval strikes in the Gaza Strip…but who cares?! Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez are breaking up! What are we going to do internet!?  I can’t believe it! My entire world is falling apart right before my eyes!  Love you Justin stay strong through these tough times <3333333 <333333

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Well in case you live under a rock you probably have heard that residents in twenty states have begun petitioning to succeed the nation. 
“Louisiana was first to file, followed by Texas.  States with secession-related petitions on the White House website include Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oregon, South Carolina and Tennessee” (yahoo news).
I doubt it is going anywhere, but come on people!  When you’re in a group and the majority prefers one argument rather than your own, calling it quits just isn’t what a good team player does.  As far as teams go “team America” is a pretty good team to be on.  It isn’t a perfect nation but it’s what we got, instead of these petitions how about a little team spirit. I know it’s not a rap video!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Within my time being “Surrounded By Hipsterz” I have learned many things:
-Everything is cool… and then isn’t when it is
-Longboarding is really not that hard.
-If it’s not on vinyl, no one cares
-All trees deserve knitted sweaters
-My scarf is an all season accessory
That first one is pretty deep.  Maybe Too Deep for the intro:

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hi Internet.  Sorry I have not been on for two days.  I've been in NYC getting some stuff to help out people in the wake of hurricane Sandy. Went out a bought "The Heist" by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis!  It is amazing!   I can't stop listening to it. Favorite song:

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Today I am going for a Job interview at Toys R Us for the prestigious position of cashier. I know, amazing right?  Anyway, I really need this job to recover from those parking tickets I got.  Working there really fits my personality, and I need to get on that grind for some cash anyway- to build that resume- and maybe there will be some serendipity (but I’m not a rapper).  Wish me luck! Get that Money Internet!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Tremendous amounts of money were put into this election cycle.  Countless commercials, posters, buttons, flags, and online advertisements were thrust into the faces of the American people for so long.  It's nice that things are back to normal.  Well maybe not so if you think the world is going to end under Obama... But for everyone else including myself it's refreshing and I'm glad we can all now move on with our lives with no hard feelings.  Sorry internet, no more Romney memes.  So for now, just sit back and kick it.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I voted for the first time today.  I was surprised with my own choice when I got in there but I feel like it was the right one.  Hope everyone out there could participate.  In other news Waka Flocka Flame also voted for the first time today, he voted for Obama, Biden.  Hope life changes for the better internet.

Monday, November 5, 2012

A guy sitting in front of me in class today who fit the exact description of a hipster was on his Mac scrolling through his Tumblr during a very interesting lecture. I mean no big deal, it's his life right? Then I saw what was on his Tumblr, it was extremely pornographic. People, there's a place and time for everything. Don't be doing this during a lecture, especially one on the atrocities of the Vietnam War. I swear it was like rack city had its own Tumblr page:

Sunday, November 4, 2012

I must say that being at SUNY Purchase being "surrounded by hipsterz" has some advantages. I can walk around with whatever lazy arrangement of clothing I want because no matter how crazy I look there's always someone here to “1 UP" you on weirdness (weirdness is a good thing don't get me wrong). I eat more healthy foods because the only places to eat around here go through tremendous lengths to keep fruits and vegetables my face.  Best of all, everywhere I go on campus there's free food. Give me one more month and I'll be as big as Ricky Rose

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Three days till voting booths open and everyone in America picks their candidate: Obama or Romney. Though, I’m worried that so many will not have to opportunity to vote. Due to the damage of hurricane Sandy I can't imagine that many of the places hit hard will not be putting voting at the top of their priorities. Food, water, and gas will take priority. In a race as close as this every vote counts. If you can vote you are very fortunate, remember that.  There are too many problems in the world that are yet to be resolved.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Please donate to the recovery effort for Hurricane Sandy! Find a way there's a million charities.  A lot or a little just do something. Thank you Internet.  Goodnight.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Remember those midterms? Well I've gotten most of my grades back. I did okay. I could round my total grade to a B-. For some people that's a good thing. For others it's a catastrophe. I don't know what to think but I know now at least what I am up against and I am going to try a lot harder. I can say I worked hard but it's the time in life when everyone is just "working hard." I've got to "work harder then who works the hardest"-Big Sean. Keep on trying internet! Don't let anything like grades get you down, accept what effort you put in, and choose to push forward.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween Internet!  The one night when it’s okay to take candy from strangers, run around in ski masks, and be a total slut without anyone judging you! Pardon my sarcasm, I really like Halloween. It can be awesome as long as you play it safe.  Don’t get into any stupid situations, be smart!  And if you’re out in the night being really stupid, DON’T GET CAUGHT! not relevant I'm just loving Meek Mills new album Dreams and Nightmares!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Starbucks:  It is the hipster beehive that my whole school flocks to day in and day out.  It’s always open, always has a line almost going out the door, and is always the place where I spend up to seven dollars for a breakfast sandwich and a coffee.  Why are expensive places like Starbucks getting so much business? Tim Hortons makes a better coffee for half the price of anything Starbucks can spit out. We see things like this every day:  Fifty dollars for an American eagle T- shirt, two hundred dollars for a pair of jeans.  Spend less, internet. Make your own coffee and hit up a thrift shop.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Hurricane sandy is right outside my window.  The rain is falling sideways, the trees are flailing left and right, and the sky is a disgusting shade of grey. It couldn’t be worse.  But that’s on the outside!  On the inside I’ve got plenty of Easy Mac and stolen dining hall food to get me through the next couple of days.  And on top of that there’s still internet!  Even in the worst situations there’s always something to be thankful for.  And I am thankful for you Internet!  Count your blessings:  

Sunday, October 28, 2012

With Halloween approaching, it has come to my attention that every girl in the world is putting on their slut suites in an attempt to scare the pants (literally) off of every guy they run into.  Okay world, if this is the direction we are heading in fine. Class is a thing of the past it I get that, and maybe that’s okay.  But make sure you girls are careful out there this Halloween.  With these costumes you are sure to attract some real creeps.  Wouldn’t want any of you ending up like these girls, I mean unless you think Yeezy is worth it

Friday, October 26, 2012

I took a big nap today! Like a BIG nap and it felt so good!  I feel like I could take on the world, maybe even two worlds!  “This weekend is going to be amazing”; it keeps going through my head.  It’s like the best energy drink you’ve ever had.  These are the times for having fun, living life, and going crazy doing it.  Make sure you mentally prepare yourself for your best weekends.  Take a nap on Fridays I promise you won’t regret it.  Those nights with no sleep are the ones you need to enjoy! Party on internet!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Okay I'm just going to comment on an album that dropped recently. Kendrick Lamar's good kid, m.AA.d city. This is one of the most amazing albums I have heard in a long time. For the most part hip hop is a comedy show with catchy beats that I follow. But every now and then a real gem comes up. Kendrick Lamar is intense, lyrical, and dedicated to putting out brilliant new music. 10/10!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Parking tickets are the worst. As the result of some minor miscalculation you are required to pay a frighteningly high fine.  I can’t tell you how many parking tickets I’ve gotten since I got my first car.  I’ve made so many mistakes that have really hurt my wallet. There was this saying I heard somewhere that said when you get a parking ticket you should be happy because that means the system works.  Well here’s some news for whoever said that! If the system worked then wouldn’t we not have the constant stream of murder rape and theft that we do in America today! When Fox Five has nothing to report on then I’ll be glad I got a parking ticket.  Until then cops, I appreciate your work but can we normal citizens catch a break?  It’s Just a thought, not an attack. I’m out here yelling F the police I just want to see the system really work.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Due to the massive amounts of construction around my campus the normal route I take to class was cut off by a big old wall. When this happened I had two options that came to mind. "A" I take the long way around and just show up a few minutes late or "B" I hop the wall and hope my class will be on the other side. I chose the ladder. As a result I not only got to class on time but I snatched half a muffin from a breakfast table that was strangely set up on the other side. When traveling to a destination one isn't required to take the path most traveled. There are always barriers in life that can come up unexpectedly. But if you look hard enough, a barrier can turn into a doorway to something totally unexpected. Like free muffins and coffee, maybe even to Meek Mills living room

Monday, October 22, 2012

Today I took the last of my midterms for my first semester of college. I studied for them but didn't do so in a way that was stressful or exhaust myself. By showing up to class every day, paying attention, being active and involved I was confident that whatever was going to be on that paper I knew and understood. As a result I am happy with my performance and am content with the answers I gave my professors. I may have forgotten a thing or two but that happens. It's not something to stress over. I believe too many people these days stress and study written tests rather than they should. There are more important tests in life that should require much more attention.  Get your head out the books and start to study yourself!  What do you enjoy?  What can you do to improve yourself?  Are you around people you want to be around?  Are you living for you?  You have your whole life to answer these questions don’t worry.   We aren’t all like Big Sean We have to think about these things.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Today I dropped off my girlfriend at her college in the city. It took us a good twenty minutes to leave each other after we parked. It's a feel that really gets me sometimes. Anyway what I'm getting at is that saying goodbye at certain times can be hard.  Wether it is for a few days, months, or forever.  When you get those sad feelings of distance, it's easy to get down.  There's no magic cure for this but what seems to work for me is a nice cup of hot tea, a shower and a little 2chains. Feel better internet.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

As I walked into the dining hall at my college I saw a girl wearing a viking hat.  I must say it took me a little off guard but it was a good thing.  When you see something like that in your day you have to thank that person for their uniqueness.  It's the odd  things in your day that make them memorable. = Only reasons I ever go to the dining hall by the way.