Monday, March 18, 2013


Today I happened to run into my friend in the library.  We were both looking at job opportunities for an upcoming job fair and we noticed that a lot of the jobs required skills such as coding.  So being the ignorant tech fail that I am I asked her how do I do it?
A good hour of research later I am upset, and excited at the same time.  Upset that I was never taught this in school, and excited that now I know about a new way to expand my creative knowledge.   From what I’ve heard it’s basically just writing to your computer exactly what you want it to do.  It looks intimidating but I want to learn more about it.  

If you are reading this and shaking your head thinking “Joe you idiot, how can you have a blog and not know the first thing about coding” you have every right to do so.  That being said I hope someday I may defeat this ignorance and show all those internet savvy folks that there is one less person to shake their head at.

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