Saturday, September 21, 2013

The Bible V.S. Emerson. Subway Style!

Today on my way to one of my favorite coffee shops in NYC,  I was reading Emerson's essay Self Reliance for homework.  Sitting quietly in my seat on the subway with the book in my face I hear a man ask "what are you reading?"  Putting down my book to respond I see a man holding a Bible staring at me with every intent to preach some good old "Jesus loves you."  After I tell him what it is he proves my assumption correctly and follows it up with a second question asking me why I was not reading the Bible instead.  I told him this book was homework but that I was thoroughly enjoying it.  He then tells me  any book that is not the bible is the devils book and proceeds to push the bible over my Emerson.   Smiling slightly to myself at the irony of the situation I had this crazy thought that we might exchange books.  I told him that I'd take his if he took mine.

That's when it hit me.

"I don't want it, 35 dollars for the Bible" He said.  

I got off.   

We could of had something special random subway guy.

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